Ex-professional Counter Strike player turned full-time streamer Erik Flom was rudely interrupted mid-game and live on Twitch by Windows 10 automatically installing on his PC. His face in this GIF explains it all.

Exasperated Flom screamed at his PC just like any other gamer who was interrupted would, “What. What!? How did this happen! Fuck you Windows 10!” Flom screamed at the PC. “Oh my God! You had one job PC. We turned off everything. Update faster you fuck!” Flom’s and his followers patience was worn thin by the speed of update but they were in for a bigger shock. As Windows 10 update was nearing completion, Flom and his followers were rejoicing but only to have their hopes dashed by a second installation countdown. The whole lot was captured live on game video-streaming service Twitch through a video capture system, which remained operational while the gaming PC installed Windows 10. Watch live video from fl0m on www.twitch.tv This is perhaps the first recorded instance of Windows 10 installing automatically while a user is actively using their PC, rather than giving them a option of updating at their convenience. Microsoft and Windows 10 made themselves villain in the eyes of 130,000 or so followers and Flom by forcing their update in the middle of a game.